What people say about me

Testimonials from Clients, Collaborators & Colleagues

VOPERA: The virtual opera project

“I had the pleasure of first meeting Tamzin at the beginning of 2020 when I had an idea to make a virtual film of Ravel's opera L'Enfant et les sortilèges. I was put in touch with her by a colleague who recommended Tamzin as a producer and fundraiser. I knew that this was exactly the sort of person that I needed, but I had no idea that I was about to meet the person who would transform my idea from an intimate project with limited prospects to a multi-award-winning, hugely successful film that has been watched by tens of thousands of people all over the world. I have no hesitation in saying that this is very much down to Tamzin.

Tamzin is diligent, conscientious, committed and passionate. But what makes Tamzin exceptional at what she does is her character. Her ability to sensitively navigate situations; to creatively contribute, facilitate and support; to listen, respond and react postively and proactively. 

Tamzin managed a variety of departments during our collaboration on VOPERA, including fundraising, marketing, liasing with the publishers and rights holders, producing and also providing invaluable contributions to the creative conversations, challenges and developments along the way. As a colleague, Tamzin was supportive, encouraging and unsurpassably skilful and passionate about brining out the best of everyone in the creative team, as well as considering the welfare of the cast and behind the screens crew. I could not have done any of what was achieved without her knowledge, agility and hard work - but most importantly, I couldn't have done it without her.”

Rachael Hewer | Director & Founder, VOPERA: The Virtual Opera Project


“Tamzin is an extremely capable and creative colleague. She imbues any project she is working on with a sense of ambition and purpose – inspiring her colleagues along the way. I have worked with Tamzin on a number of complex projects, involving multiple partners and funders, and she has consistently delivered above and beyond. Tamzin is a true collaborator when it comes to how fundraising and marketing intersect with the creative project – looking for opportunities to deliver on their various priorities while keeping the creative project at the centre of her focus. Simply put, having Tamzin on your team is a joy.”

Libby Papakyriacou | Head of Marketing, Cadogan Hall
(formerly Marketing Manager, London Philharmonic Orchestra)


Tamzin has worked with Intermusica on a number of projects and has always brought imaginative, knowledgeable and out-of-the-box thinking to the table.  She is always well-researched and always delivers to deadline and budget.  Her inter-personal skills are outstanding and she is equally willing and able to work alongside high-flying artists as well as administrative teams.”

Stephen Lumsden | Chief Executive, Intermusica Artists Management

DRAMATURGY | new opera
by mark-anthony turnage

During my many years of working in the classical music industry I've been lucky enough to work with a few exceptional people that just get it right. Tamzin is one of those people. She has a creative instinct that can't be taught or faked. I have the privilege of working with her as a dramaturg and producer which is a role that is hard to get right. She is sensitive to the working relationship, she doesn't dominate or over-power and she has the ability to adapt and respond for the benefit of the piece and the rest of the team. My work is better for having Tamzin as part of the creative team there's no other way of putting it. I am very pleased to be working with her in the future and look forward to more collaborations on new works in the coming years.” 

Mark-Anthony Turnage CBE | Composer (Coraline, Anna Nicole, The Silver Tassie, Greek)

Southbank Centre

I've worked with Tamzin Aitken in the context of her stewardship of the International Chamber Music Series. Tamzin has always been a creative, energetic and capable programmer and producer. I have also watched in admiration her work on the stunning online L'Enfant et les Sortilèges, surely one of the musical/operatic highlights of Lockdown. I have no hesitation in recommending Tamzin for creative producing work.

Gillian Moore | Director of Music and Performing Arts, Southbank Centre

London Philharmonic Orchestra

Tamzin is an extremely capable and efficient administrator but with the addition of real creative flair and energy. She straddles the business and artistic worlds brilliantly. I particularly recall her outstanding work with Vladimir Jurowski’s and Simon Callow’s Shakespeare 400th Anniversary Concert and Jurowski’s Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress both at Royal Festival Hall. She is completely unflappable; always on top of the most demanding situations having thought ahead to consider all possible complications or difficulties. She has a very easy working manner that endears her to artists and colleagues.  I have no hesitation in recommending her.” 

Timothy Walker CBE AM Hon RCM | Chief Executive & Artistic Director, London Philharmonic Orchestra (2003-2020)

English National Opera

“I worked with Tamzin as part of the producing team at English National Opera and know her to be a fearlessly brilliant, passionate and committed colleague. She strikes a very special and unique balance between creative vision and understanding on the one side, and the practical ability to make things happen and attention to detail on the other. Moreover, she’s an excellent collaborator, able to draw on the skills needed from both her creative and administrative sides depending on the situation and the team around her. I especially value her commitment to making opera and classical music engaging and relevant for all audiences, and not being afraid to ask questions, challenge assumptions and push through boundaries. Her priority is always to make the most interesting and exciting work possible for the artists and the audience. She is also an incredibly supportive and kind colleague, always there to listen, and to give advice and encouragement. I feel very lucky to have met and had the opportunity to work with Tamzin.”

Katherine Wilde | Associate Producer, Manchester International Festival & Producer, Sound Voice
(formerly Producer, English National Opera)


Testimonials from Coaching Clients


Tamzin expertly provided supportive space for me to explore a number of complex issues. Through her coaching, I had several lightbulb moments, and shifted my thinking around problems I had been grappling with for some time. Tamzin was insightful and encouraging, and helped me to arrive at a plan of action on a number of different fronts, both personal and professional. 

Polly C, Inverness

“From our first session together and onward, Tamzin has helped me realise my full potential and the possibilities that are out there for me. She has the innate ability to provide thoughtful reflection and insight that has helped guide and define my goals, plus the action I need to take to achieve them. I would highly recommend working with Tamzin if you have the chance!”

Amy H, London

I was a little nervous going into coaching but Tamzin is an excellent guide and immediately put me at ease. Not only is each session enjoyable but I always leave with a better sense of clarity and confidence in the topics we’ve covered. Tamzin has helped me refine my goals and challenge my existing thinking to clear the way for some epic moves this year - I’m looking forward to more!”

Harriet S, London

Tamzin really helps you to dig deep and find the answers that you're looking for. She is so calm, and gently leads you to ideas and thoughts that are buried deeply. I thoroughly recommend working with Tamzin to get clear on your thoughts and how to plan the next steps to help move you forward.

Justine A, Somerset

Working with Tamzin came at a perfect time for me: right before I took on a new professional role. Tamzin's approach is thoughtful, considered and friendly, and the natural flow of the sessions helped me to challenge my own thinking. I felt supported throughout, with Tamzin helping me explore each issue I was facing, break it down and work out the practical steps to address it. Thank you!

Stuart B, Glasgow

“Tamzin is a natural coach - encouraging, questioning and challenging at the right points to help you craft and create change in your life, with your wants and needs at the heart of it. With her help, I gained perspective, clarity and the confidence to take the leap towards my next important step in life.”

Florence E, London