
Project Manager

Royal Opera House Reconfiguration

In 2013, while working as Projects & Events Coordinator at the Royal Opera House, I project managed a large-scale construction and renovation project designed to enable ROH to close an external office building and relocate staff internally and bring key teams across the organisation into shared office space as necessitated by recent structural changes.

This involved developing architectural layout plans with internal stakeholders, negotiating when departmental interests conflicted, creating a detailed phasing plan of building work and moves, managing multiple external contractors, and managing and reporting on a complex budget at Board level. The project was delivered on time, with a saving representing 10% of the allocated budget.

All told, the project resulted in over 100 people being relocated to new or different offices – never a particularly welcome exercise in any organisation – and I worked hard to make sure the timing and associated logistics of each team’s move was as painless as possible. I was particularly proud to be told that this was the smoothest, most courteous and best managed move a colleague had ever experienced.

Prior to undertaking this project, I received training in PRINCE2 and am confident in applying the PRINCE2 principles to projects. However, I am also very comfortable adapting my project management style to the needs of a project and the working practises of different organisations.


Chamber Music Series